Howitzer here,
It seems we've lost our opportunity to win the titles back that we were robbed of. Due to Dickshine's incompitence we lost them titles and never got a re-match, so then in our first night back Corporate Nightmare made like a Kangaroo and lept for his life and grabbed the titlebelt from the roof. Quite a lucky event for them, we should of had the match won. As pissed off as I am not to worry, as we've got the opportunity to go to the Pay Per View if we beat up the Wild Birds this week at Radioactive Wednesday.
As difficult and arduous task this maybe, I truely believe we should come out of that match on top with another Hollow Point victim or two if you're lucky lying on the ground. See we have no probs with the Wild Birds, but like everyone says; "You stand in the way of what belongs to us, nothing personal, it's just buisness" or some sh!t like that.
Enough about the match, I'm just glad we've got a webpage up and running so we can keep incontact with our fans. Soon, we hopefully will get a Mail Room up and running so you guys can send us mail and once a week we'll put up the best letters and reply to them. But for now, just be happy with the News, Commentary and Bio's sections because from memory that's all that's working.
Well that's it for me for this week, hopefully Nobles will catch up with Trey to get his ass on here and type something up for you guys, 'coz I bet you all wanna hear what he's got to say about Mr Washup himself, Lance Sterling. So, peace out and all that stuff.....oh and sorry if there's any grammer errors because frankly, I don't care if I can't type good; does it really matter how I type? No, thought so.