Tim: We're just about set up for the tag title match here.
Jeff: Damn Howitzer and Shrapnel. Now we've got these crazy f'n stips for this Hell Over High Water match.
Tim: We might as well lay it out, for the fans at home. Both members of the team start on the cage. The ring is surrounded with tables, double stacked. In order to be eliminated, you must go over the edge and into the tables. If you fall into the ring, you aren't gone. If you go over the edge, but don't fall, you can come back. Whatever team has the last man standing will win this match.
Warriors of the Rising Sun vs. Espionage vs. Magnum Force (c) - Hell above High Water Match
['Big in Japan' by The Guano Apes blares throughout the arena as the lights dim a bit. After a moment Jin and Tatsumi walk through the curtains, and pause on the stage. The pair are met with a small reaction,
some cheers, some boos. Jin and Tatsumi head to the cell and climb to the top. Jin goes to the center of the cell as Tatsumi goes to a corner edge. Jin puts on a martial arts display throw spinning kicks and punches as Tatsumi blows a large cloud of dark black smoke into the air. Jin goes to his corner and kneels, blessing himself as Tatsumi paces the cell. Jin stands and he and Tatsumi await their opponents.]
Tim: These guys have drawn quite a bit of heat for that sickle last week.
["Take My Scars" hits the speakers and the opening squeal riff plays. Faintly over the top of the intro helicopter noises and explosions heard. The bass guitar run rolls down and the helicopter and
explosions get louder until Rob Flynn (Machine Head lead singer) yells to signal the start. When this happens Howitzer walks out with no-facial emotion accompanied by Shrapnel. Stopping at the start of the cell to get psyched a bit and loosen up, they then climb the cell and walk across the cell top. Howitzer paces, staring at The Warriors, while Shrapnel just follows behind looking around at the crowd.]
Jeff: Espionage and The Warriors have no problems showing that there is some bad blood here.
Tim: Not as much as there is when you add in Magnum Force, the last team.
[The lights go out. A gong is heard throughout the arena, which instantly goes into "Creeping Death" by Metallica. The crowd goes wild as red and blue pyro shoots out of the entranceway. When the song gets
to the main part, an explosion is set off at the entranceway and the lights come back on. Mike Javelin walks out the back with a purpose while "Violent" Vinny Vile comes out of the back with his red shades on. They walk to the cell, slapping fans' outstretched hands on the way. They climb the cell, and
once they reach the top, the bell rings.]
Jeff: Someone's gonna get hurt here Tim... I can feel it.
Tim: I have no doubt about that, Jeff.
[Vile, Howitzer, and Tatsumi all are obviously hurting, as they have gone through tourney matches already. Vinny Vile and Shrapnel immediately go after each other, as do Jin and Mike Javelin. Howitzer and Tatsumi look at each other for a moment, then go to help their teammates.]
Tim: I think this is some smart strategy here, Jeff.
Jeff: Cheap too. Get rid of one team, then they can fight it out.
[Vile ducks a clothesline by Shrapnel and punches him in the face. Howitzer comes in next, with a kick. Vile grabs Howitzer's leg and flips him back onto the cage.]
Jeff: Damn, Vile is a tough bastard.
[Meanwhile, Mike and Jin are exchanging punches rapidly. Tatsumi joins in, and the Warriors quickly have him in a precarious position, Tatsumi holding his arms and Jin laying in punches. Mike finally is let go, and he falls to the cell. Jin flips him onto his back, and the Warriors put Javelin into a ankle lock / armbar combo. Back to the other action, Howitzer and Shrapnel have taken over Vile. Howitzer picks him up and puts Vinny back onto the cell with a sitdown powerbomb, spiked by Shrapnel. Luckily, it's on one of
the metal supports and not the fencing, because they nearly go through down to the mat!]
Tim: Magnum Force is getting absolutely dismantled here, Jeff.
Jeff: This divide and conquer thing is working, but Espionage just about put
themselves through the cell!
[Shrapnel is punching out Vinny on the steel. Howitzer goes and kicks Tatsumi square in the face, getting him to remove the submission hold on Javelin! The thud gets a few moans from the crowd, but mostly cheers. Tatsumi gets to his feet slowly.]
Tim: Tatsumi is just spent after all the action tonight.
[Tatsumi staggers in the middle of the cell, and Howitzer nails him with a haymaker punch. Tatsumi staggers backwards a few steps, but will not fall. Another haymaker. Another. Another. Tatsumi is now practically falling on the edge. Howitzer winds up for another haymaker, but Tatsumi comes up with
a martial arts counter, grabbing Howitzer's arm and using his own force against him, swinging him right off the cage and down to the floor, into a pile of tables!]
Ring Announcer: Howitzer has been eliminated!
Tim: Man, Tatsumi really pulled one out of nowhere with that one!
Jeff: Howitzer just made a mistake with that. It's all up to Shrapnel now.
[Shrapnel sits on Vinny Vile and sees Tatsumi, still wavering on the edge, trying to get his bearings. Shrapnel gets up and delivers a superkick to Tatsumi's chin, which knocks him cold... while on his feet! He crumples to the cell, barely avoiding falling over the edge. Shrapnel picks up Tatsumi's lifeless body in a double handed choke hold; he then walks to the very edge of the cell. He drops Tatsumi into a mat slam (X-Factor), right over the edge! Tatsumi falls onto a stack of tables near to Howitzer, who is being
helped away. Tatsumi lays, motionless, as medical help comes to get him.]
Ring Announcer: Tatsumi Hashimoto has been eliminated!
Jeff: OH MY GOD!
Tim: He is broke in two. Damn... get some medical attention to that man.
Jeff: This is absolutely nuts.
Tim: They're falling left and right!
Jeff: Notice, they're both in the tourney. Doesn't bode well for Vinny Vile, does it?
[Vinny Vile has been busted open and lies on the steel while Jin, Javelin, and Shrapnel now go at it. Jin and Javelin now double up on Shrapnel, double axe-handling him to the steel. Javelin continues to pound away, kicking Shrapnel in the ribs, as Jin goes to Vinny Vile.]
Jeff: Vinny is in a world of hurt right now.
[Jin climbs onto Vinny's back and punches him in the sides of his ribs, crushing blows each time. He continues for a few moments before getting up, kicking Vinny over onto his back. Jin reaches for a handful of hair, lifting Vinny to his feet. He taps him under the chin and reel back as if drunk.]
Jeff: Looks like the Warriors were tappin' a keg backstage!
[Jin lunges forward with a straight punch, following that up with three quick jabs to the chest then dropping to the ground, sweeping the opponents legs out from under him. Jin spins out of the leg sweep and lays down on the cell, in a pose. The fans boo him unmercifully.]
Tim: That is the oddest thing I've ever seen.
Jeff: But damn quick...
[Jin tries to pick Vile up after his posing, but Vinny grabs a leg and knocks Jin to the cell as well. Vinny grabs his legs, as if to slingshot him over the edge of the cell!]
Tim: Oh God No.
Jeff: Vinny better not... he'll kill Jin!
[The crowd gasps, but Vinny just can't quite lift Jin, as his ribs are sore. He tries again, but no go. Vinny drops Jin's legs and grabs his head, lifting him. It's been too long though and Jin nails Vinny with a punch to the gut, and a kick to the knee. Vinny leans over, but Jin backs him up a little closer to the edge and does a chop to stand him up.]
Jeff: Danger zone here.
Tim: Yeah, that edge is just dangerous.
[Jin takes a step back, measuring Vinny up. He nails him with a shuffle sidekick, and Vinny falls straight back onto the tables!]
Ring Announcer: Vinny Vile is eliminated!
Tim: Just as we said, Vinny Vile was next to go.
Jeff: I believe I said that.
Tim: You know what, Jeff, I'm getting sick of your shi...
Jeff: WOAH, did you see that?!
[Nothing really was going on, and Tim shoots Jeff a dirty look as the action continues. Jin begins working on opening up a section of the cell over the ring. During all this, Javelin and Shrapnel have been in a back and forth battle. Javelin swings for a clothesline, but Shrapnel catches him too, and both men are down.]
Tim: Just too much punishment has been dealt out. These two are tired, Jeff.
Jeff: Yeah, but they'd better get their asses up if they want to win.
[Jin grabs ahold of Shrapnel and puts him into the powerbomb position, facing the hole in the cell.]
Tim: Sweet mother! Jin's gonna kill Shrapnel!
[Jin powerbombs Shrapnel onto the hole, busting him through the cell and landing on his back on the mat! The crowd boos, yet some cheers ring out for the viciousness of that move.]
Jeff: Shrapnel is gone! Espionage is eliminated!
Tim: No, Jeff, don't you remember? You must go over the EDGE! Shrapnel now must climb back up the cage or be pulled up it.
Jeff: Damnit! Espionage's stupid stipulations!
Tim: Actually, this is a damn fine match.
[Apparently Jin doesn't even realize that Shrapnel has not been eliminated, as he is now taunting the crowd and Mike Javelin! Jin pulls Javelin up by the hair and attempts a judo punch, which Mike blocks. The two men begin to exchange punches back and forth, but most are getting blocked.]
Tim: These two guys just can't get an edge here. Javelin is just a little too beat up to last though.
[Inside the ring, Shrapnel has finally sat up, wincing. He crawls to his feet and the officials around the cell open the door, waiting for him. Up on top, Jin now has the advantage once again, kicking Mike in the stomach. He finally gets him down and drops a leg drop onto Javelin's neck. Jin lifts Javelin up by the hair, as Shrapnel staggers out of the ring and out the door, to start climbing again.]
Jeff: Shrapnel... must... die...
Tim: OK, now you're just turning obsessive compulsive. Go see Michael Trey, he'll give you a good psychiatrist.
Jeff: SHUT UP!
[Shrapnel is half way up the cage. Meanwhile, Jin has Javelin reeling on the edge after a few judo kicks to the chest and gut. Jin backs up, to get a running start. Jin comes at Javelin, who drops down into a drop toe hold! Jin tumbles onto and over the edge, bumping against the cell and crashing into the tables below!]
Ring Announcer: Jin Kobayashi and The Warriors Of The Rising Sun have been eliminated!
Tim: I think Javelin is in good shape here, but he still has to get Shrapnel.
Jeff: I don't know if Javelin even SEES Shrapnel.
[Shrapnel has reached to top of the cage. Javelin is still leaning over, looking down at Jin and smiling at the crowd. Shrapnel reaches Javelin and spins his around by the elbow and nails him with a reverse Russian leg sweep onto a metal support beam!]
Tim: Javelin just got put down, and hard.
Jeff: Shrapnel has to get Javelin off that cell and soon. The longer Shrapnel is up there, the sooner Javelin will take over. Shrapnel took way too nasty of a bump to be fighting much longer.
[Shrapnel pulls Javelin up onto his shoulder, almost for a tombstone piledriver position and steps towards the edge of the cage.]
Tim: Oh no.
Jeff: That's it?
[Shrapnel smiles evilly before dropping Javelin down into the stacks of tables below, right onto his head! The med. crews immediately attend to Mike Javelin, as the rest of the men have been helped away or stretchered out. Shrapnel staggers to the opposite side and holds his hands in the air, getting a mixed reaction from the crowd. He climbs down the side of the cell.]
Ring Announcer: Mike Javelin and MAGNUM FORCE have been eliminated! And your NEW HWF Tag Team Champions... ESPIONAGE!
Tim: Shrapnel took a fall THROUGH the cage and still got up to catch Javelin off-guard... and maybe have injured Mike Javelin in the process!
Jeff: This is just... just...
Tim: Terrible? Horrifying? Tragic?
Jeff: No... this is just so HARDCORE!