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HWF - Hard 2 the f'n Core
EPWA - We don't say we're the best, we JUST are!

Howitzer - One Half of Espionage
Name: Howitzer
Alias(s): None at present
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Hometown: Unknown
Height: 6'9
Weight: 316lbs
Theme Music: Take My Scars by Machine Head (CD: The More Things Change)
Alignment: Face
Alliances: The Forgotten Souls (Michael Trey, Blake Frost, Clair Matthews and partner Shrapnel)
Rivals: The Next Generation and The HWF's Finists
Fighting Style: "Earthcore" - Howitzer's on Powerhouse/Hardcore style

Life History: Howitzer's life before the age of 17 hasn't been pieced together, most details are undiscolsed and/or unknown. However at the age of 17 he left for a branch of the US Military. There he learnt his basic fighting skills and grew to his current physical levels and great pain intolerance. Somewhere along the way he met Shrapnel, Stable mate and tag-team partner. Their friendship has lasted to this time, practically having no interest in wrestling. This was untill they met Michael Trey, at a point in their career somewhere, Michael and Espionage's relationship began there somewhere but nothing more is known of it, ie: Time, Place and how? But one day when Michael's brother Blake Frost aka Joshua Trey decided to re-unite with his brother he seeked out the only contacts Michael gave him and Howitzer along with Shrapnel join the HWF to be the part of the greatest stable the HWF has ever seen.

Appearance: Outside of wrestling ringlature, Howitzer likes the casual grungy clothes over suites and ties. Among favorites are baggy jeans and t-shirts with his favourite bands on them; eg. Slipknot, Machine Head, Soulfly, Rage Against the Machine etc. He has bleached blonde/yellow hair and a small black chin goatee. Sporting in ring a large black trenchcoat (Undertaker style) with a black padded vest (like Bossman) or white vest underneath, long baggy black jeans over his steel toed army boots and a pissed off look in his eye, Howitzer's not one to mess with. And when meaning buisness, during events such as long fights Howitzer will take the trenchcoat off to go nutz on his opponent.

Finisher(s): Mortar Discharge / Empty Clip
Discription for Mortar Discharge: A powerbomb is stalled at height for a length amount of time, untill the opponent is snapped with force down into a crunchy sit-down pildriver.
Discription for Empty Clip: A crotched opponent is suplexed up to a 45degree angle from Howitzer who is standing on either the bottom or middle rope. From there they are sent tumbling down with a super high angle DDT.

Major Trademark Move: Gattling Gun (Canadian Backbreaker rack into high angle DDT or Inverted K-Driller/Emerald Fusion)

Trademarks(In order of favoratism):
* "Metal Militia" - Farooq Style bearhug to front slam
* "Beretta Breakdown" - Bossman Slam/Kneeling Unarage
* "Line Up" - Reverse Chokeslam from a Unarage pickup
* "Unconciousness" - Tiger Driver '91
* "Battlefield" - Two handed kneeling chokeslam
* "Unditected Overflow" - Fallforward powerbomb from Suplex/Orange Crush
* "Grenade Launcher" - Press slam into harlem spinebuster

Forgotten Specialties:
* "7th Siren of the Apocolypse" - Pump handle into K-Driller/Emerald Fusion
* "Soul Asylum" - Reverse Twist of Fate/Inverted Facelock into Hangmans Neckbreaker

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