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Shrapnel - One Half of Espionage
Name: Shrapnel
Alias(s): None at present
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Hometown: Unknown
Height: 6'4
Weight: 254lbs
Theme Music: 5 Minutes Alone - Pantera (CD: Far Beyond Driven)
Alignment: Face
Alliances: The Forgotten Souls (Michael Trey, Blake Frost, Clair Matthews and partner Howitzer)
Rivals: The Next Generation and The HWF Finist's Fighting Style: High Risk All Rounder

Life History: Shrapnel's life before the age of 17 hasn't been pieced together, most details are undiscolsed and/or unknown. However at the age of 17 he left for a branch of the US Military. There he learnt his basic fighting skills and grew to his current physical levels and great pain intolerance. Somewhere along the way he met Howitzer, Stable mate and tag-team partner. Their friendship has lasted to this time, practically having no interest in wrestling. This was untill they met Michael Trey, at a point in their career somewhere, Michael and Espionage's relationship began there somewhere but nothing more is known of it, ie: Time, Place and how? But one day when Michael's brother Blake Frost aka Joshua Trey decided to re-unite with his brother, he seeked out the only contacts Michael gave him and Shrapnel along with Howitzer joined the HWF to be the part of the greatest stable the HWF has ever seen - The Forgotten Souls.

Appearance: Just like most people, Shrapnel enjoys the comfortability of not wearing "smart" clothes outside the ring. Give him some baggy pants and a t-shirt with a vulgarity on it and he'll be more than happy. His bald head and long chin goatee give people a reason to laugh at him, and a reason to whinge when he cracks them over the head. In ring, he wears black cargos tucked into his steel-toed army boots (Like Bossman), he also wears a skin tight black singlet along with taping his wrists up in black electical tape. Only noticible extra would be his big American Flag wrapped in Barbwire tatoo his has on his left shoulder.

Finisher(s): Assault Rifle / Piercing Debris
Discription for Assault Rifle: Right Hand Haymaker from HELL
Discription for Piercing Debris: Submission Move. A normal Step Over Toe Facelock (STF) is altered with a Half-nelson Chokehold (Tazzmission) replacing the facelock.

Major Trademark Move: Unintended Explosion (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT)

Trademarks(In order of favoratism):
* "Nightfall" - Slighshot Legdrop from Apron with a chair
* "Last Rights" - Full-nelson Face First sitdown powerbomb
* "Crimson Mass" - Belly to belly sitdown Piledriver
* "Discharger" - Super Hurricanrana switched into rocker dropper
* "Battlefield" - Two handed kneeling chokeslam
* "Pulverizer" - Cobra Clutch bulldog
* "Loophole" - Inverted Flipping Neckbreaker

Forgotten Specialties:
* "7th Siren of the Apocolypse" - Pump handle into K-Driller/Emerald Fusion
* "Soul Asylum" - Reverse Twist of Fate/Inverted Facelock into Hangmans Neckbreaker

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