1. The webmaster(s) of this site (i.e. ForgottenStaff) are in no way affiliated with any real-life (i.e. WCW, WWF, ECW) wrestling orginization.
2. Unless stated on this website, all logos, picture, graphics and content contained herein are copyrights of "The Blue Division" of ForgottenMarketing and may not in any circumstance be used on any other webpage without permission.
3. Any and all trademarks listed anywhere on this website belong to their respective owners.
4. All pictures of Matt and Jeff Hardy seen on this site, are trademarks of WWF Entertainment,Inc. and, although used without permission are included for entertainment purposes only, no money or gain will go to the webmaster - it's only FUN!. This also goes for any pictures used of "The Wall" and Tank Abbott who are trademarks of WCW Entertainment.
5. The content of this site, with the exception of events related to the Hardcore Wrestling Federation E-Fed, are purely fictional and are done for entertainment purposes only.
6. Nothing mentioned on this webpage is to be taken to heart. The views expressed by the characters of Michael Trey, Joshua Trey, Shrapnel, Howitzer and Clair Matthews apply only to the e-Wrestling world, and have no factual basis in the real world other than for entertainement purposes. Any thing said by these CHARACTERS are exactly that, opinions taken from an in-character role and aren't in anyway views and opinions taken from the "handler" of the characters.
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