Finally has reached the eyes of all the HWF fans out there. After growing pressure from the large ForgottenSouls fan base, we here from the ForgottenStaff cracked our heads together to come up with the site you're feasting your eyes on now. I hope you enjoy all the features we're planning to bring here, like the online shopzone and multimedia section that will hopefully include things such as .mp3's of the Forgotten Souls theme music and skins for your favourite programs such as Winamp and Yahoo! Messenger.
But first things first, big Forgotten Souls news for Radioactive Wednesday. Every member has a match. Michael Trey, who hasn't said much since his shock loss to Lance Sterling is going against a man who has proven he's a top notch athlete in the past, that man is "The Diamond Stud" Nick Diamante. Apparantly Nick doesn't show any bad blood against Trey, and vica versa but during the Flaming Tables Main Event match they're about to have; I truely believe that anything could happen, bad feelings or not, someones going to get hurt and for our sakes let's hope it's Diamante.
Also former tag champions, Espionage, will be facing up against a new pair to the HWF Tag division, the Wild Birds. After coming so close to winning the belts back in their first match back after loosing shockingly in the Maximum Force match, be sure to witness a pissed off version of the Espionage Freight Train as it plans to plough it's way through the Wild Birds and show them what Hardcore is all about. If succesfull, Espionage would have booked themselves in a tag-title match at the PPV against none other than Flame and Corporate Nightmare who narowly escaped with the titles at Radioactive Wednesday last week.
And last but not least, is the twisted sould himself - Blake Frost, Michael's younger brother. We haven't heard much from him recently, apparantly he's been clearing his head and training somewhere in the mountains in a attempt to rid his body of and unnecessary spiderwebs. But he's got to defend his beloved Hardcore Titlebelt against the hardcore legend himself; "Vicious" Vic Williams, and after not showing his face on HWF we fear that Frost may have to pull something serious out of his bag of tricks to come away with the victory.
That's it for now from the news desk, coming up after Radioactive Wednesday we'll recap the show and breifly go over any Forgotten Souls matches scheduled for next Saturdaynight Suicide.
-James Nobles,
Editor in charge.