Team Members: Howitzer & Shrapnel
Ages: ?? and ??
Combined Weight: 568lbs
Theme Music: Eye For an Eye by Soulfly (CD: Selftitled)
Alignment: Face
Alliances: The Forgotten Souls (Michael Trey, Blake Frost and Clair Matthews)
Fighting Style: Hardcore and Extreme
Rivals: The HWF Finist's and The Next Generation
Finisher(s): The Hollow Point
Finisher Discription: Howitzer gets the opponent up into a firemans carry, before pancaking them (Like Test Neckbreaker from WM2K) to the awaiting Shrapnel who catches them in a reverse russian legsweep(Firemans Carry Pancake into Reverse Russian Legsweep).
Major Trademark Move: Mine Field
Discription for Mine Field: Howitzer get's the opponent in a Canadian Backbreaker rack before waiting for Shrapnel to run past and grab the opponents head in a 3/4facelock before he throws them down into a Dominator and Shrapnel lands a Diamond Cutter.
Trademarks(In order of favoritism):
* "Depth Charge" - Electic Chair (Howitzer) w/ Top Rope Bulldog (Shrapnel) combo.
* "Frontlines" - Fullnelson hoist (Shrapnel) caught w/ a powerbomb (Howitzer) combo; Sandwitch Attack
* "Scapegoat" - Bearhug (Shrapnel) with running clothesling (Howitzer) to face of opponent into a sitdown spinebomb.
* "Overhead Bombing" - Slingshot Catapult(Shrapnel) to a body splash from top (Howitzer)